General information
In order to comply with the provisions contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSCEI), Creaciones Joviar, S.L. it provides them with the following general information data:
Name or company name: Creaciones Joviar, S.L.
Registered office: The commercial Creaciones Joviar, S.L. has its registered office in C / Huelva, 4 Aptdo. 145 03440 Ibi
Contact person: For any questions you can contact the Security Manager, by mail, by phone 966554022, or by email
Tax identification number: C.I.F. B03160520
Creaciones Joviar, S.L. has communicated to the mercantile registry its internet address and the domain name
Content and access
The user is obliged to make good use of this web page, understood to be good use that is in accordance with current legislation, good faith and public order.
Creaciones Joviar, S.L. will make its best efforts to avoid the existence of errors in the information provided on the page; although, it will not assume any responsibility for the damages that the existence, in its case, of such errors could cause to the users, since the inclusion in this portad of marketable products has exclusively informative and advertising purposes.
Creaciones Joviar, S.L. may modify at any time and without prior notice the content of this page and is exempt from any liability that may arise from the realization of such change.
Intellectual and industrial property
Creaciones Joviar, S.L. owns the intellectual property rights of this website, (source code, graphic design and content). In virtue, any act of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation carried out without the authorization of Creaciones Joviar, S.L.
The distinctive signs that appear on this website are protected by the corresponding industrial property rights whose ownership corresponds to Creaciones Joviar, S.L.y, therefore, its use in economic traffic is prohibited, unless it is covered by the corresponding license.
The inclusion in the portal of links with other portals has a merely informative purpose, and does not imply that Creaciones Joviar, S.L. recommend and / or guarantee such portals, over which it does not exercise any control, nor is it responsible for the content thereof.
The authorization by Creaciones Joviar, S.L. the establishment of a hyperlink with a third party page does not imply the existence of any contractual relationship with said third party nor should it lead the user to think that it is a suggestion.
In virtue, Creaciones Joviar, S.L. does not assume any responsibility for the content of the aforementioned page.
Electronic system
Creaciones Joviar, S.L. will not be liable for any damages that may arise for the user from the interruption of the electronic system, its malfunctioning or the existence of computer viruses, motivated by causes beyond the control of the parties.
Applicable legislation
These general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation.
Responsibility for content
CREACIONES JOVIAR, S.L. is not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites from which you can access this website. CREACIONES JOVIAR, S.L. nor does it answer for the legality of other third party websites, which may be linked or linked from this website. CREACIONES JOVIAR, S.L. reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep your information up-to-date, adding, modifying, correcting or eliminating the published contents or the design of the portal. CREACIONES JOVIAR, S.L. will not be responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on the portal, nor for the damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or may cause economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of said information.
Reproduction of contents
It is forbidden the total or partial reproduction of the contents published on this website without the prior written authorization of CREACIONES JOVIAR, S.L ..
All information regarding privacy, you have it in our Privacy Policy.